The Blog: A Peek Inside Megan’s Mind



Welcome to my blog, where you can expect to read a little bit of everything. (I promise, it’s all useful.)

From business hacks, mindset tips, article features, and comedy show recaps—to crunchy + holistic lifestyle pieces about essential oils, crystal recommendations, unmedicated births, and being gluten + dairy free… this is where it all comes together.

Mindset, Self-Discovery Megan Reed Mindset, Self-Discovery Megan Reed

How to Build Confidence through Self Love

When you focus on self-discovery, you’re building your self-awareness muscle so you can identify and know things like your triggers, values, and what lights you up. And subsequently you can begin to master things like your time, energy, and mind (the self-mastery piece) and then all of a sudden there’s more room for joy, play, rest, and your creative passions (the self-expression piece).

Which builds self-love, which builds confidence.

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What to Do When You're Burnt Out, Stressed, and Overwhelmed

We just had a group book club challenge inside the Creating Confidence Society, where we read Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle. Naturally, it was an incredibly eye-opening read, and a reminder of the importance of taking care of ourselves and dealing with our stress and stressors. (They’re different—did you know that? I didn’t.) Let’s dive in.

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Self-Discovery, Lifestyle, Mindset, Business Megan Reed Self-Discovery, Lifestyle, Mindset, Business Megan Reed

Four Tips for Setting and Maintaining Healthy Boundaries

Listen, having healthy boundaries is crucial for our well-being. Without boundaries, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed and undervalued, and you might even develop resentment towards the people in your life. Setting boundaries helps us to take care of ourselves and our needs, and it also allows us to respect the needs of others.

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