The Blog: A Peek Inside Megan’s Mind
Welcome to my blog, where you can expect to read a little bit of everything. (I promise, it’s all useful.)
From business hacks, mindset tips, article features, and comedy show recaps—to crunchy + holistic lifestyle pieces about essential oils, crystal recommendations, unmedicated births, and being gluten + dairy free… this is where it all comes together.
How to Host a Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Holiday Gathering: Tips and Recipes for an Inclusive Celebration
Whether you're hosting a holiday party, a family meal, or a cozy gathering, here’s how to make sure your gluten-free, dairy-free holiday gathering is a success. With some thoughtful adjustments, you can cater to everyone’s needs without sacrificing flavor or holiday spirit.
The Therapeutic Art of Coloring: Embracing Self-Care and Creativity
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's all too easy to become consumed by our daily responsibilities and forget to take a moment for ourselves, isn’t it? However, amidst the chaos, there lies a simple—yet profound—way to unwind, relax, and foster creativity: COLORING.
What to Do When You're Burnt Out, Stressed, and Overwhelmed
We just had a group book club challenge inside the Creating Confidence Society, where we read Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle. Naturally, it was an incredibly eye-opening read, and a reminder of the importance of taking care of ourselves and dealing with our stress and stressors. (They’re different—did you know that? I didn’t.) Let’s dive in.
10 Tips for Having Difficult Conversations
Having difficult conversations can be daunting and challenging, but they are an important part of building and maintaining healthy relationships (as well as setting and effectively communicating boundaries). In this post, I’ve compiled ten tips for having difficult conversations in a constructive way to help you get started.
Surprising Benefits of Having an Online Community
Having an online community can bring a metric shit-ton of joy and happiness into our lives (is that a real measurement?). When we feel like we belong to something bigger than ourselves, it can be a truly fulfilling and uplifting experience.
That’s what we’re all craving, isn’t it?
What is Reiki? (...and why you should try it!)
If I had a dollar for every time someone messaged me on Instagram and asked me what Reiki was, I’d have… you know, a shit-ton of dollars. As a Reiki Level II practitioner, I am honored to help others and share the magic of this spiritual healing modality. So let’s dive in, shall we?
Four Tips for Setting and Maintaining Healthy Boundaries
Listen, having healthy boundaries is crucial for our well-being. Without boundaries, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed and undervalued, and you might even develop resentment towards the people in your life. Setting boundaries helps us to take care of ourselves and our needs, and it also allows us to respect the needs of others.
2022 Wrapped: Reflecting on a Year of Growth and Transformation in Life and Business
2022 brought its struggles and triumphs for the Reed family and my coaching business, and in honor of transparency and celebration, I wanted to recap the top highlights of the year with you, in as chronological order as my new mom brain will allow.
The Ultimate Gluten + Dairy Free List of Grocery-Store Favorites
So listen––if you just found out you need to go gluten free + dairy free (GFDF), I know how you’re feeling. Overwhelmed, sad, and in denial that there is any joy left in the world, probably. The good news is, as the years have gone by, GFDF awareness has increased and there are more and more options available every single day. So let’s dive in, shall we?
Hey Biz Besties 2022 Retreat Recap
Where to even start? It was so nice to get away + recharge, take a break from the daily grind, have fun, build clarity and realignment in our businesses, and network with other growth-minded women. We intentionally created this itinerary to fill everyone’s cup—mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. And it was absolutely incredible. We arrived as strangers, and left as besties.
A Natural, Unmedicated Success: Sonora's Birth Story
In the most intense moments, I remember briefly wishing I had gone somewhere that administered pain medication, but looking back, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Sonora’s pregnancy and birth were the absolute most difficult physical and spiritual experiences I had ever been through.
Exclusive With Megan Reed, Creator of the Badass Boundaries Blueprint
Megan Reed is a quantum coach who specializes in helping people release perfectionism and people-pleasing, build badass boundaries, and get out of their own way so they can access the life and business of their dreams. Here we sit down with Megan, to know a bit more about her journey as a life and business coach.
Deleted Scene: A Mother's Secret Journal Entry
This is the part they cut from the movies–that they don’t want you to see. “Just show the joy” they say. Well I’m working on my new identity. Peeling back layers and processing traumas I didn’t know were deep inside. I’m figuring it out, how to love my body for the miracle it’s creating.
2021 Wrapped: Reflecting on a Year of Growth and Transformation in Life and Business
2021 brought its struggles and triumphs for the Reed family and my coaching business, and in honor of transparency and celebration, I wanted to recap the top highlights of the year with you.
Hey Biz Besties Retreat
Hey Biz Besties is a three-day retreat + escape for your entrepreneurial spirit so you can relax and get back to yourself, join an empowering community of like-minded individuals, and have fun while refreshing your business strategies. Check out this recap post for all the deets!
Inspiration for Business Owners and Entrepreneurs to Keep Going
Here’s the thing about life + business. The more you get uncomfortable + step outside your comfort zone, the more you’re going to learn and grow. Every time you don’t give up - every time you choose to see the learnings + lessons instead of accepting defeat, YOU ARE LEVELING THE F UP!!
Coping with the Shame of Inaction
And then I said, “I’m just wondering…” there was a huge lump in my throat. “If anyone else is dealing with…” I started to cry. I could barely finish the sentence, and I wanted to hide. “How do you cope with the shame of inaction?” I asked. It was one of those ugly cries.