Let go of what’s holding you back.

Is there something in your life that’s causing you to experience negative side effects, feelings, or behaviors? Well buckle up, because in this post, I share my method for how to get unstuck and let go of what’s holding you back, even if you love it.

Things that might be holding you back:

  • Self-destructive tendencies (like over-eating or substance abuse)

  • Toxic relationships

  • Damaging emotions (like resentment)

  • Detrimental ways of thinking (like negative self talk) 

My story of letting go: gluten and dairy free(dom).

First things first: I’m not a doctor. Go see a professional if you’re having health issues. This is just my story, what I went through, and what worked for me

Back when I was first diagnosed with Crohn’s disease by a GI specialist, I was low energy, constantly doubled-over in pain, basically lived in the bathroom, and on a lot of prescription meds. My Dad has Crohn’s as well, and growing up I witnessed his pain and watched him go through rounds of hospital stays and surgeries. 

I didn’t want to go through that, (and I couldn’t afford to go through that), but I didn’t like the way the meds made me feel, either. I wanted to make a change, so I made an appointment with a chiropractic internist. After some testing and food journaling, we determined I had high inflammatory responses to both gluten and dairy, among a whole list of other things I couldn’t eat. I was devastated. Pizza, queso, McChickens, and mac and cheese were my life, and I had to give those up? I had a major emotional connection with food, especially the delicious gluten and dairy kind that my mom made growing up.

“I wanted my life back, so I committed.”

But, I wanted to feel better. I wanted my life back, so I committed. We went home, cleaned out the pantry, and never looked back. I was fortunate to have Brandon and his nutrition degree for all my questions, and he did almost all of the cooking, so I could focus on healing. I had a great support system of friends who were tired of seeing me suffer. One of my best friends learned how to make gluten and dairy free cake, because emotional support. I’m happy to report that by letting go of gluten and dairy, I’m living a healthier lifestyle, off all prescription meds, and I feel better than I ever have.

Steps to letting go:

  1. Determine the negative feeling(s) you’d like to let go of

  2. Investigate the source of that feeling

  3. Why do you feel this way? Who or what is the actual culprit?

  4. Decide what you want to feel instead

  5. Commit to making a change

  6. Seek professional help, if needed

  7. Create a plan or guidelines

  8. Have a tribe to lean on for accountability and emotional support

  9. Follow through


Letting go of what’s holding you back takes time. My internist told me it could take three-six months before I started to notice a difference after my diet change since my body was so inflamed. This was super discouraging to hear, because I, like most people, wanted to see immediate results for my sacrifices.

I didn’t even know I was feeling better until I accidentally ingested gluten and experienced those old familiar pains, and was like… whoa. I felt like that all the time? It was eye-opening, and the exact confirmation I needed that I was making the right decision to let go of what was holding me back.

So today, my friend, I encourage you to take a few moments to reflect on your present: Is there something holding you back?

Thanks for reading. Your love and support mean the most.



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