The Blog: A Peek Inside Megan’s Mind
Welcome to my blog, where you can expect to read a little bit of everything. (I promise, it’s all useful.)
From business hacks, mindset tips, article features, and comedy show recaps—to crunchy + holistic lifestyle pieces about essential oils, crystal recommendations, unmedicated births, and being gluten + dairy free… this is where it all comes together.
What is Reiki? (...and why you should try it!)
If I had a dollar for every time someone messaged me on Instagram and asked me what Reiki was, I’d have… you know, a shit-ton of dollars. As a Reiki Level II practitioner, I am honored to help others and share the magic of this spiritual healing modality. So let’s dive in, shall we?
Deleted Scene: A Mother's Secret Journal Entry
This is the part they cut from the movies–that they don’t want you to see. “Just show the joy” they say. Well I’m working on my new identity. Peeling back layers and processing traumas I didn’t know were deep inside. I’m figuring it out, how to love my body for the miracle it’s creating.
Coping with the Shame of Inaction
And then I said, “I’m just wondering…” there was a huge lump in my throat. “If anyone else is dealing with…” I started to cry. I could barely finish the sentence, and I wanted to hide. “How do you cope with the shame of inaction?” I asked. It was one of those ugly cries.
Three ways to increase your HAPPY!
Are you struggling with your mental health and looking for help? Check out these helpful tips and practices I use to increase my daily energy and happiness.
Let go of what’s holding you back.
Is there something in your life that’s causing you to experience negative side effects, feelings, or behaviors? In this post, I’ll share my methods for how to get unstuck and let go of what’s holding you back, even if you love it.