The Blog: A Peek Inside Megan’s Mind
Welcome to my blog, where you can expect to read a little bit of everything. (I promise, it’s all useful.)
From business hacks, mindset tips, article features, and comedy show recaps—to crunchy + holistic lifestyle pieces about essential oils, crystal recommendations, unmedicated births, and being gluten + dairy free… this is where it all comes together.
Why It's Important to Recognize and Rewrite Limiting Beliefs
Whoa. What a breakthrough, right? To be in such a powerful growth phase of business that my inner critic thinks this is all new territory for me and does everything in its power to keep me spinning in one spot instead of charging forward. (I'll be honest, some days it's gotten the best of me.) But here's the reality. The WIN: Awareness is everything.
Surprising Benefits of Having an Online Community
Having an online community can bring a metric shit-ton of joy and happiness into our lives (is that a real measurement?). When we feel like we belong to something bigger than ourselves, it can be a truly fulfilling and uplifting experience.
That’s what we’re all craving, isn’t it?
2022 Wrapped: Reflecting on a Year of Growth and Transformation in Life and Business
2022 brought its struggles and triumphs for the Reed family and my coaching business, and in honor of transparency and celebration, I wanted to recap the top highlights of the year with you, in as chronological order as my new mom brain will allow.
2021 Wrapped: Reflecting on a Year of Growth and Transformation in Life and Business
2021 brought its struggles and triumphs for the Reed family and my coaching business, and in honor of transparency and celebration, I wanted to recap the top highlights of the year with you.