Why It's Important to Recognize and Rewrite Limiting Beliefs

Just the other day I uncovered a limiting belief that's been slowing me down lately like, a lot.

Here it is:

I don't "look the part", so I couldn't possibly have any value to add.

Here's some thoughts that kept coming up:

  • I don't look like the kind of person to be a subconscious mind whisperer, heal energy, or release trapped emotions.

  • I don't look like the kind of person who helps executives clear their head trash, heal from burnout, and inspire deep impact in their world.

  • I don't look like an upscale experience. My brand is approachable, real, raw, and fun.

This was bugging me to my core because I felt like to sell high-ticket offers and coach C-level executives, I had to have a clean, crisp, brand with minimal bright colors and definitely no hearts and stars and rainbows. Or that I had to stop wearing my Elf sweatshirt on coaching calls and cussing at professional networking events. It made me want to burn my business down and start over.

I'd been feeling like I have too much fun to be taken seriously.

What a mind-fuck, yeah?

Turns out, studies have shown that when you're having fun, creating new neural pathways takes only 12 repetitions instead of 400(!!) to learn that same habit/skill/mindset in a boring setting because of the dopamine release in your brain.

And the thing is... I've had this limiting belief come up before.

Years ago. In a similar yet different context.

Limiting Beliefs Can Come Up Again and Again

When I was first stepping into my role as a coach—like in the very, very beginning of my beta group coaching program back in 2019—I felt like, to be seen as an expert, I had to wear a corporate pantsuit and watch my mouth.

I had this belief that I couldn't be my true, authentic self. And for a really long time, this affected my ability to show up at all. I treated my business like a hobby that I was just fucking around with because if I didn't look like a professional, I couldn't BE a professional.

And it's coming out to play AGAIN.

You know what they say: New level, new devil. (Or in this case, same devil in a different outfit.)

New doors have been opening for me.

I published an Amazon best-selling book.

I'm meeting with CEOs.

I'm being sought after for speaking engagements.

I'm deep in a quantum physics rabbit hole and learning about the laws of the universe, releasing trapped emotions, and manifestation.

I'm leveling the fuck up, and that's caused this limiting belief to resurface.

Whoa. What a breakthrough, right? To be in such a powerful growth phase of business that my inner critic thinks this is all new territory for me and does everything in its power to keep me spinning in one spot instead of charging forward. (I'll be honest, some days it's gotten the best of me.)

But here's the reality.

The WIN.

Why it’s Important to Recognize and Rewrite Limiting Beliefs

Awareness is everything.

Awareness creates a spark that motivates you to take action.

Now that I'm aware of what was holding me back, it no longer has the same power over me. I know it's just an old story my subconscious mind was replaying in order to keep me safe from the fear of failure.

But failure doesn't even exist, does it? (No, it totally doesn't.)

Here's what DOES exist: growth, learning, healing, redirection, and transformation.

I'm curious—if you've been feeling kinda stuck lately—maybe wanting to burn it all down and start over—what's that costing you?

Your Limiting Beliefs Are Costing You, BIG TIME

For me, it was costing me my productivity and mental health. Getting anything done or making any progress was like pulling teeth.

Ask yourself: Where could I use a little awareness? Where do I need to point one of those powerful little magnetic flashlights to shine a beacon on the stories I'm playing in my head?

All of the answers are within you.

But sometimes you need a little help pulling them out, don't you?

This year, you're heading into January embracing your awareness and releasing old stories that have been holding you back, aren't you?

CHEERS to getting out of your own way.


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