you got:

Dwight Schrute - The Office

"I am confident. To give you a reference point, I'm somewhere between a snake and a mongoose. And a panther."

Your confidence, much like Dwight Schrute's, is deeply rooted in your drive for success. (And you're freakin' good at what you do, aren't you?) Ever watchful, with hella attention to detail, you’re a highly cerebral person who likes to make observations and figure out ways to improve.

You're not afraid to go the extra mile to achieve your goals, but sometimes you tie your self-worth to your accomplishments, so when things don't go as planned, it can feel like an attack on who you are as a person and send you into a downward spiral.

Let’s play “check the boxes!”

Raise your hand if you…

☑️ Dwell on your mistakes

☑️ Dismiss your previous successes

☑️ Have a difficult time taking a day off

☑️ Compare yourself to others

☑️ Struggle with self worth

☑️ Procrastinate tasks you're not good at

☑️ Tend to overachieve + overdeliver

☑️ Have trouble calling a project complete

☑️ Struggle with feeling like you're not enough

☑️ Feel exhausted, even on days you didn't "do" anything

Your Confidence Blindspot:

✨ Perfectionism ✨

If you checked three or more of these boxes, chances are real good that perfectionism has you pivoting, reorganizing, and redoing your to-do list over and over again.

Conditioning can have you believing that perfectionism is a positive trait rather than a blindspot—cuz while you've more than proven your skills at delivering excellence—you’re starting to feel like you've bought yourself a one-way ticket on the Burnout Express.

Like Dwight, that little voice inside your head has you believing that your worth is tied to your success and that being the best is simply the only option.


You are worthy and valuable beyond your achievements.

When was the last time you celebrated yourself for the progress you've made along the journey?

Oh hey, I’m Megan Reed.


I’m also a reiki healer, subconscious mind whisperer, serial entrepreneur, and founder of Creating Confidence®. I’m positive my purpose is to help people like you show up authentically, set badass boundaries, release people-pleasing, and ditch your inner critic so you can go after what you truly want… With confidence and clarity you never thought possible.

After years of coaching, I started to see some common themes that were sabotaging my clients' personal and business growth. (AKA your confidence blindspot.) These blindspots were standing in between them and the life they were dreaming of.

And they're in your way, too, aren't they?

Now that you know your blindspot, where do you go from here?

Good question.

My guess is you’re tired of feeling the not-enoughness and are ready for a major change. But changing your life for the better requires intentional self-love. And that? Even though it might seem impossible right now, it’s 100% attainable for you. It starts with an intentional daily dedication to you.

I built The Creating Confidence Society to be the safe, supportive, and honestly kinda magical space where we make that happen.

“I am so grateful to have this in my life and feel like it has truly made me love myself more, quirks and all.”

— Society Member