Why You're Struggling to Set Boundaries and Take Control of Your Life

Boundaries are CRUCIAL for our mental health, productivity, and confidence.

(Trust me on this one - I used to seriously struggle with boundaries, and now I help my clients create the bad-assiest of ‘em all.) 🔥😎

Okay, so why are they so difficult to create and maintain?


The top three reasons you're struggling to set boundaries and take control of your life

You don’t know who you are, so you don’t know what you value or stand for.

Self-awareness is KEY for boundaries. 

👉🏽 Do you know what matters to you? Boundaries help you make energetic decisions that move you closer to your dreams.

Your inner critic is saying some mean shit.

F*ck that noise (respectfully, of course). 

You are 100% worthy of self love–and boundaries are a huge form of that. Once I started setting boundaries, I gained more confidence, and was able to love myself for who I really was - without all the second guessing. (You can have this too!) 💕

Cuz here’s the thing. You’re not a selfish bitch for saying no - you’re an empowered human saying YES to what matters to you.

And last, but not least…

You’re in a lack mindset.

“If I say no to this, nothing better will come along to take its place.” 
You’re taking on project after last-minute project that you don’t enjoy and definitely don’t have time for because you’re worried there won’t be any more clients in the future. 🥵

Orrr you feel obligated to hang out with a group of friends because you’re worried if you say no they won’t invite you next time. 👀

Instead, try on an abundance mindset. “My dream clients are on their way. Saying no to what doesn’t light me up leaves room for absolute magic.” 🦋

So what do you say? How frickin’ VALUABLE would it be for you to take back control of your life?


(And I’ve got you!) I’m currently accepting 1:1 client applications, but there’s only a few spots left for the year.

Click here to book a discovery call so we can chat + see how coaching can transform your life.

Talk soon. ❤️


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